
  • panel discussion
    The UN works with partners, communities and member states to achieve a harmonized, inclusive and effective approach to protection from sexual exploitation and abuse.
  • audience seen from the back in makeshift structure
    Local communities are essential partners in preventing and addressing sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment.
  • group photo in front of building
    The Special Coordinator for Improving the UN*s Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse can often be found in the field raising awareness and promoting an inclusive approach to preventing and addressing sexual misconduct.
  • portrait of man and woman in a group setting
    Engaging with local partners and crisis affected populations is crucial to ensure that people 'know their rights' and recognize and report sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.
  • lecture attendees in a tent
    The UN works to foster an accountable organizational culture of zero tolerance for inaction on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment.
  • group photo
    Practitioners on protection from sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment, gather to facilitate knowledge and best practice exchange.
  • man listening to group of women
    Ensuring the community perspective is integrated in all efforts to prevent and address sexual exploitation and abuse is critical.

Message by the UN Secretary-General

What you need to know about sexual exploitation and abuse at the UN

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