We can see how many people are suffering名e can see that people are running out of food, are running out of water, and the real narrative is that this will affect everyone sooner or later.
Celeste Saulo has always been fascinated by the weather. Now Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), she is seeing climate breakdown warp global weather systems beyond recognition, with devastating impacts on countless lives and livelihoods.
We want to save lives. We need these early warnings to reach everyone on Earth.
The UN Secretary-General has issued a red alert for the planet after a full decade of record-breaking heat driven by human activity. In this episode of Awake at Night, Celeste reflects on our shared responsibility to future generations, on an emotional meeting with Pope Francis, and on why she can never give up hope.
If you work with youth, you need to have hope, because for me, it's not fair not having hope We need to work along the lines we believe are better opportunities for them, and we need to engage them, and I would say, to follow them.
Photo: 穢兜紼倏