

The Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Relay will visit approximately 30 UNESCO World Heritage sites, concluding its journey in Paris on July 26 with an opening ceremony at a UNESCO site for the first time in Olympic history.

Esteban Gottfried Burgett, Associate Programme Officer for Ocean Literacy at , sheds light on these lesser-known oceanic benefits and its impact in our daily lives.

There are 250 million girls and boys currently excluded from access to education. A new report reveals that the costs to society add up to $10 billion a year globally. The report estimates that reducing the proportion of school dropouts or those without basic skills by just 10% would increase annual GDP growth by 1 to 2 percentage points. Education therefore appears to be one of the best investments a country can make. To achieve the goal of quality education for all, the UNESCO provides 10 recommendations, including providing free, publicly-funded primary and secondary education, smaller class sizes, and qualified, motivated teachers.

, , and the 's aims to quantify the economic ramifications of widespread educational exclusion among children and youth globally.

Safeguarding Holocaust history from AI distortions and misinformation is imperative, as warns of potential antisemitic consequences without of AI principles.

In the isolated expanse of the Arctic, amidst freezing sea ice and dwindling daylight, a sailor's reflections reveal the intricate dance of survival, adaptation, and changing landscapes in the face of climate shifts and cultural narratives.

Hussen Nasser Al-Yabari, Yemeni environmental journalist, embodies an unwavering courage and dedication as he illuminates critical environmental issues amidst conflict.

s Global Report, highlights why culture and creativity are the heartbeat of societies and how policies can support their ability and ability to create. 

roundtable unites leaders in sport and government to combat gender-based violence, emphasize survivor voices, advocate for data-driven policies, and promote inclusive narratives for a safer and more equitable sports culture worldwide.

Inaugural International Jazz Day with All-Star Concert. The event is jointly organized by UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Thelonious Monk Institute.

The city of Tangier, Morocco, hosts the 2024 edition of International Jazz Day. Its the first time a city in Africa hosts the event. The four-day celebration (April 27-30) highlights Tangier's jazz heritage and the cultural ties between Morocco, Europe, and Africa. The event culminates in an at the Palace of Arts and Culture broadcast worldwide. Tangier has a rich history of jazz, and many world-renowned jazz artists, such as pianist Randy Weston and saxophonists Archie Sheep and Ornette Coleman, have performed in the African city.

Released for 2024 International Womens Day, is a documentary film following the lives of Anee, Fabiana, Mkasi and Taina four young women across three continents who struggle to fulfill their right to education

A black and white image of a woman climbing stairs.

UNESCOs "Leadership for Equality" features inspiring discussions on gender equality. Blanca Jim矇nez Cisneros  (Ambassador of Mexico to France)  talks about the role of gender equality in shaping diplomatic endeavors; Tugrug Uugan-Erdene (Director of Sain Tus Development Bridge NGO, Mongolia) discusses grassroots advocacy and intergenerational dialogue; her daughter Khongorzul Batsukh highlights the importance of youth leadership training and role models, and Judith Juma presents her documentary film on women in politics in Kenya.

Ugandan engineering students founded the innovative Smart Kuku Brooder startup, transforming poultry farming and fostering youth entrepreneurship through skills development initiatives.

The ocean's challenges are immense and no single nation or sector can tackle them alone. Three years into the , it is time to address key questions about its progress: What have been the main achievements since the launch of the Decade? What should be the key areas for action in the coming years? The , taking place in Barcelona (10-12 April), aims to enhance sustainable ocean management and foster science-driven innovation, with an inclusive approach that ensures no one is left behind.

A group of journalists at work on their computers.

has launched a podcast series called "" to improve people's media and information literacy skills. The series has 8 episodes on various topics such as disinformation, hate speech, digital skills, AI, and privacy. Listeners can expect to gain practical insights and skills for navigating the digital world. Today's episode focuses on learning digital skills to navigate safely in digital spaces.