
Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

01 March 2024

Secretary-General's remarks at the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) summit

Trilingual, as delivered, follows.Ìý Scroll down for all-English:

HonourableÌýRalph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesÌýand Chair of CELAC, Distinguished Heads of States and Governments, Excellencies,ÌýLadies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to join you for this Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean countries. And to do so to pay tribute to this continent of peace in a world at war.

And I am particularly happy to do so – here inÌýSaint Vincent,Ìýland so beautiful, as the national anthem just demonstrated.

Prime Minister Gonsalves, thank you for your warm welcome and hospitality, and congratulations to your country for steering CELAC over the past year.

I also want to congratulate Honduras as the incoming president of CELAC.


Just a few years ago, the people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were the victims of the devastating volcanic eruption of La Soufrière.

This country faced profound disruptions – but the world also saw your resilience and solidarity.Ìý

We saw neighbours helping neighbours – and the region coming together for support.

We need that spirit more than ever, today and everywhere.Ìý

As you come together to help foster solutions – for the region and for the world – IÌýwould like to highlight four areas in particular.

First, we need solidarity for peace and security.

Latin America and the Caribbean have shown how uniting for peace is possible – and makes a difference. We have just witnessed it today.

The peace process in Colombia has made significant strides, with invaluable contributions from CELAC countries.

The Joint declaration for dialogue and peace between Guyana and Venezuela, adopted here in Argyle last December, is another example of the region’s commitment to seek peaceful solutions, and I commend your efforts.Ìý

Yet, both cases also underscore that implementation requires sustained efforts.

And we also know that peace is far more than the absence of armed conflict.

Today, violent and organized crime continue to plague many countries.

Arms trafficking has become the most important security threat to the region.

It will not be possible to fight it effectively without much stronger international cooperation – from the source to the streets.

Ecuador is the most recent example of how the security situation can quickly deteriorate and spiral into violence.

I welcome the new security partnership launched in January by the Andean Community.

In Guatemala, the new government offers a chance to advance democratic development, the rule of law and other key aspects of the peace agenda.


En Haïti, une situation déjà désastreuse s'aggrave malheureusement de jour en jour.

Des gangs tiennent le pays en otage et utilisent les violences sexuelles comme arme.

Pendant ce temps, le plan d’aide humanitaire des Nations unies pour Haïti a besoin d’un soutien financier solide.

La semaine dernière à Rio de Janeiro, plusieurs pays – y compris des membres de la CELAC – ont pris des engagements supplémentaires en faveur de la mission multinationale de soutien à la sécurité.

Je salue ces efforts, mais beaucoup reste à faire afin de garantir le déploiement de cette mission sans plus attendre et une solution politique qui puisse résoudre les problèmes de fond du pays.


Second, we need solidarity for sustainable development.

The Sustainable Development Goals are slipping away.

Millions of people in the region are facing poverty and hunger.

I welcome yourÌýrecent Plan for Food Security and Nutrition and the Eradication of Hunger by 2030.

But that requires funding – and many countries are already drowning in debt.

The global financial system is failing to provide affordable long-term finance to countries in need and to offer a global financial safety net.

Small Island Developing States have been particularly hit.

Middle-income countries are also not getting the help they need.Ìý

Despite their vulnerabilities, they are not receiving the benefits of critical debt relief and concessional funding.Ìý

This must change. That shows the importance of the adoption of the vulnerability index.

Last September, world leaders endorsed our proposed SDG Stimulus of US $500 billion per year in affordable, long-term finance for developing countries.

The Stimulus also calls for a debt lifeline to give countries breathing room and the expansion of contingency financing for countries in need. Unfortunately, the resistance has been severe, and so it is important that the Summit of the Future becomes a vital opportunity to make progress in reforming a global financial architecture that is unfair, outdated and ineffective.

I look forward to your active engagement for change for a new Bretton Woods moment, and I count on Brazil’s leadership as Chair of the G20.

Third, we need solidarity for social cohesion.

Around the world, authoritarianism and extremism are growing.

Democracy and civic space are eroding.

Disinformation and hate speech are supercharged by new technologies and growing inequalities are feeding people’s fears.

Irregular migration has become a political tool to sow division and it is extremely important to address all the root causes that has transformed this into a major problem for this continent.

I am calling for a renewed social contract, based on trust, justice and inclusion and anchored in human rights – in all its dimensions.

Leaders have a responsibility:

To invest in social cohesion.

To end violence and discrimination.

To uphold the rights of Afro-descendent and Indigenous Peoples – and ensure that every community feels represented and included.

To guarantee women’s full participation and leadership.

And to amplify young voices.


En cuarto y último lugar, necesitamos solidaridad para hacer frente a la emergencia climática, que amenaza la existencia misma de los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo.

Los fenómenos extremos golpean con creciente ferocidad.

Todos los países deben comprometerse a hacer nuevas contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional para el conjunto de la economía antes de 2025 que se ajusten a la limitación del aumento de la temperatura global a 1,5 grados centígrados.

Estos planes deben servir tanto para la transición como para la inversión.

Los países del G20 – responsables del 80 % de las emisiones mundiales – tienen una responsabilidad especial a la hora de liderar estos esfuerzos.

Y deben liderar una eliminación mundial justa de los combustibles fósiles y acelerar una transición justa y equitativa hacia las energías renovables.

Sé que muchos de sus países han sido pioneros en el campo de las energías renovables descentralizadas.

Pero necesitan apoyo.

Necesitamos que los países desarrollados hagan efectiva la justicia climática:

Garantizando una financiación significativa y sustancial para el Fondo de Pérdidas y Daños que está creado pero no está suficientemente financiado;

Aclarando el cumplimiento del compromiso de los 100.000 millones de dólares;

Y duplicando la financiación de la adaptación hasta al menos 40.000 millones de dólares anuales para 2025 que es apenas una pequeña parte de las necesidades.

También ha llegado el momento de recapitalizar los Bancos Multilaterales de Desarrollo y de cambiar su modelo de negocio, para que puedan aumentar considerablemente las inversiones en mitigación y adaptación en sus países y movilizar mucho más masivamente Ìýla financiación y la inversión privada.

Felicito a la CELAC por la creación de un Fondo de Adaptación Climática y Respuesta Integral a Desastres Naturales, con el apoyo de las Naciones Unidas y los bancos regionales de desarrollo.

Y aplaudo el compromiso de Brasil, en su calidad de Presidente del G20, de aunar los debates sobre el clima y las finanzas.

La Cuarta Conferencia Internacional sobre Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo, que se celebrará en mayo en Antigua y Barbuda, representa otra oportunidad importante.

Sabemos que un futuro con bajas emisiones de carbono requiere muchos más minerales esenciales, pero debemos asegurarnos de que la producción y el comercio de esos minerales sean justos, sostenibles y aporten valor añadido y puestos de trabajo productivos en los países que suministran esas materias primas.

He creado un nuevo panel de las Naciones Unidas para ayudar a garantizar precisamente eso.

Y por último, mientras nos preparamos para la COP16 sobre Biodiversidad, que se celebrará en Colombia en diciembre, tenemos la oportunidad de reforzar las medidas de conservación de la biodiversidad en la región, reconociendo los ecosistemas únicos y el patrimonio natural de esta preciosa región.

Me reconfortan iniciativas regionales recientes, como la Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica.


La solidaridad y la cooperación son la piedra de toque de la historia de su región y de la misión de la CELAC.

Desde sus puestos en el Consejo de Seguridad y le recuerdo en particular a Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, o en el ejercicio de las Presidencias de la Asamblea General, el Consejo Económico y Social y el G20, les insto a que sean audaces, en beneficio de la paz, la prosperidad y el planeta.

Pueden contar con mi apoyo.

Y les doy las gracias y les deseo que tengan una reunión provechosa.

Muchas gracias.


HonourableÌýRalph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesÌýand Chair of CELAC, Distinguished Heads of States and Governments, Excellencies,ÌýLadies and gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure to join you for this Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean countries. And to do so to pay tribute to this continent of peace in a world at war.
And I am particularly happy to do so – here inÌýSaint Vincent,Ìýland so beautiful, as the national anthem just demonstrated.
Prime Minister Gonsalves, thank you for your warm welcome and hospitality, andÌýcongratulationsÌýto your country for steering CELAC over the past year.
I also want to congratulate Honduras as the incoming president of CELAC.
Just a few years ago, the people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were the victims of the devastating volcanic eruption of La Soufrière.
This country faced profound disruptions – but the world also saw your resilience and solidarity.Ìý
We saw neighbours helping neighbours – and the region coming together for support.
We need that spirit more than ever, today and everywhere.Ìý
As you come together to help foster solutions – for the region and for the world – IÌýwould like to highlight four areas in particular.

First, we need solidarity for peace and security.
Latin America and the Caribbean have shown how uniting for peace is possible – and makes a difference. We have just witnessed it today.
The peace process in Colombia has made significant strides, with invaluable contributions from CELAC countries.
The Joint declaration for dialogue and peace between Guyana and Venezuela, adopted here in Argyle last December, is another example of the region’s commitment to seek peaceful solutions, and I commend your efforts.Ìý
Yet, both cases also underscore that implementation requires sustained efforts.
And we also know that peace is far more than the absence of armed conflict.
Today, violent and organized crime continue to plague many countries.
Arms trafficking has become the most important security threat to the region.
It will not be possible to fight it effectively without much stronger international cooperation – from the source to the streets.
Ecuador is the most recent example of how the security situation can quickly deteriorate and spiral into violence.
I welcome the new security partnership launched in January by the Andean Community.
In Guatemala, the new government offers a chance to advance democratic development, the rule of law and other key aspects of the peace agenda.
In Haiti, an already dire situation is sadly getting worse by the day.
Gangs are holding the country hostage and using sexual violence as a weapon.
Meanwhile, the UN Humanitarian Response Plan for Haiti needs solid financial support.
Last week in Rio de Janeiro, several countries – including CELAC members – made additional pledges to the Multinational Security Support mission.
I welcome these efforts, but much more must be done to secure the deployment of this mission without further delay, and a political solution that could resolve the country's fundamental problems.
Second, we need solidarity for sustainable development.

The Sustainable Development Goals are slipping away.
Millions of people in the region are facing poverty and hunger.
I welcome yourÌýrecent Plan for Food Security and Nutrition and the Eradication of Hunger by 2030.
But that requires funding – and many countries are already drowning in debt.
The global financial system is failing to provide affordable long-term finance to countries in need and to offer a global financial safety net.
Small Island Developing States have been particularly hit.
Middle-income countries are also not getting the help they need.Ìý
Despite their vulnerabilities, they are not receiving the benefits of critical debt relief and concessional funding.Ìý
This must change. That shows the importance of the adoption of the vulnerability index.
Last September, world leaders endorsed our proposed SDG Stimulus of US $500 billion per year in affordable, long-term finance for developing countries.
The Stimulus also calls for a debt lifeline to give countries breathing room and the expansion of contingency financing for countries in need. Unfortunately, the resistance has been severe, and so it is important that the Summit of the Future becomes a vital opportunity to make progress in reforming a global financial architecture that is unfair, outdated and ineffective.
I look forward to your active engagement for change for a new Bretton Woods moment, and I count on Brazil’s leadership as Chair of the G20.

Third, we need solidarity for social cohesion.

Around the world, authoritarianism and extremism are growing.
Democracy and civic space are eroding.
Disinformation and hate speech are supercharged by new technologies and growing inequalities are feeding people’s fears.
Irregular migration has become a political tool to sow division and it is extremely important to address all the root causes that has transformed this into a major problem for this continent.
I am calling for a renewed social contract, based on trust, justice and inclusion and anchored in human rights – in all its dimensions.
Leaders have a responsibility:
To invest in social cohesion.
To end violence and discrimination.
To uphold the rights of Afro-descendent and Indigenous Peoples – and ensure that every community feels represented and included.
To guarantee women’s full participation and leadership.
And to amplify young voices.
Fourth and finally, we need solidarity to address the climate emergency –Ìýwhich is threatening the very existence of small island developing states.

Extreme events are hitting with increasing ferocity.

All countries must commit to new economy-wide nationally determined contributions by 2025 that align with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
These plans should serve as both transition and investment plans.

G20 countries – responsible for 80 per cent of global emissions – have a special responsibility to lead these efforts.
And they must lead a just global phase-out of fossil fuel and accelerate a just and equitable transition to renewables.
I know many of your countries have pioneered decentralized renewable energy.
But you need support.
We need developed countries to deliver climate justice by:
Ensuring significant and meaningful funding for the Loss and Damage Fund, which has been created but is not sufficiently funded;
Clarifying delivery of the $100 billion commitment;
And doubling adaptation finance to at least $40 billion a year by 2025, which barely covers a portion of the needs.
It is also high time for the recapitalization of Multilateral Development Banks and a change in their business model, so that they can scale up mitigation and adaptation investments in your countries and mobilize financing much more massively as well as private investments.
I commend CELAC for creating a Climate Adaptation and Comprehensive Response to Natural Disasters Fund – with the support of the 51³Ô¹Ï and regional development banks.
And I welcome Brazil’s commitment to bring climate and finance discussions together as G20 President.Ìý
The upcoming 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Antigua and Barbuda in May, is also another important opportunity.
We know that a low-carbon future requires far more critical minerals but we must make sure the production and trade of those minerals are just, sustainable and provide added value and productive jobs in the countries supplying these raw materials.
I am creating a new UN panel to help ensure just that. Ìý
And finally, as we prepare for COP16 on Biodiversity in Colombia in December, we have a chance to strengthen biodiversity conservation measures in the region, recognizing the unique ecosystems and natural heritage of this beautiful region.
I am encouraged by recent regional initiatives such as the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization.Ìý
Excellencies, dear friends,
Solidarity and cooperation are at the heart of your region’s vibrant history – and of the mission of CELAC.
From your seats in the Security Council [...] to the Presidencies of the General Assembly, ECOSOC and the G20, I urge you to be bold – for peace, prosperity and planet.
You can count on my full support.
I thank you and wish you a successful meeting.
