
Natural Resources and the Environment

calls for nominees for the Champions of the Earth award the UNs highest honour for individuals and organizations that are safeguarding our environment and transforming societies.

An engineer who turns plastic rubbish into paving stones. An activist who is fighting to save endangered salmon. And an inventor who developed a machine capable of pulling water out of the air. These are just some of the winners of the 2020 prize. They are (Kenya), (China), (India), (Greece), (Peru), (United States of America) and (Kuwait).

The 2020  provides a snapshot of the UN Systems environmental impacts throughout 2019 and the activities underway to reduce them.

The named seven young scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and activists from across the globe as its . With solutions to harvest water from the air, recycle plastic into paving slabs, and motivate fishing boats to haul tonnes of plastic out of the ocean, these change-makers show how innovative ideas coupled with ambitious action can help solve some of the worlds most pressing environmental challenges. Theyll receive seed funding, mentoring and communications support to amplify their efforts.

is a forward-looking prize designed to breathe life into the ambitions of brilliant young environmentalists aged 18 30. from every region have been selected following an open call for applications. A Global Jury will then choose seven winners. Each winner is expected to implement their big idea and keep UNEP updated on their progress by producing videos and blogs. Winners will also be given funding to support their communication efforts throughout the year, so that they can produce high-quality materials to share with our audiences.

In the last couple of years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or drones, have really take off. From enhancing video coverage of events to taking stock of the aftermath of natural disasters, they now have a key role to play in many different contexts. The possibilities with UAV technology are far-reaching, and is harnessing this potential to monitor the use of natural resources and increase sustainability. UAVs save time, are cost efficient and provide up-to-date data and images in high resolution for many different purposes. Theyre also easy to use, making them the perfect tool.

A man in uniform plants a seedling.

Natural resources and the environment hold tremendous peacebuilding potential. From economic recovery and government revenues to sustainable livelihoods and the restoration of basic services, the way natural resources are managed and governed can either fundamentally support or undermine peacebuilding objectives. The 51勛圖 strives to ensure that action on the environment is part of conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peacebuilding strategies. There can be no durable peace if the natural resources that sustain livelihoods and ecosystems are destroyed.

Imataca is an extensive and hugely diverse, tropical humid forest located the southeast of Venezuela. The Kari簽a live in small groups of extended families at the heart of the forest reserve. The Kari簽a women, in coordination with the Venezuelan government and , created a company to revitalise areas degraded by mining. The project, which also aims to increase gender equality in the forestry sector, supports the Kari簽a women in actively leading the development of their territories and the conservation of the areas biodiversity.

A groundbreaking  , warns that millions of used cars, vans and minibuses shipped from Europe, the United States of America and Japan to the developing world are polluting and unsafe. 

On the one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic could increase awareness of environmental risks and bring about shifts that could accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. On the other hand, there is a risk that financially weakened firms, amidst heightened economic uncertainty, will reduce their investments in long-horizon, capital-intensive green projects. The  by looks at past episodes of financial and economic stress to gauge the likely impact of the current crisis on firms environmental performance.

North-East Tobago declared as UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

To build knowledge on how nature functions to deliver goods and services to humanity, Wild for Life 2.0 campaign will bring users on a journey to 4 ecosystems, including peatlands.

Migratory birds are beneficial to us and the planet's ecosystem.  They offer critical services such as seed dispersal, pollination or pest control, but also provide jobs through tourism, research and education, and leisure activities. This 10 October for , joins forces with other organizations to promote the theme . This years observance highlights the importance of conserving and restoring the ecological connectivity of ecosystems that support the natural movements of migratory birds that are essential for their survival.

Mar穩a Cristina Ortega began her work protecting queules, an evergreen tree native to Chile, as part of an initiative, in partnership with and the Chilean government. She works at the tree nursery located in the city of Chill獺n at the Seed, Genetics and Entomology Center. Even during the global COVID-19 pandemic, Mar穩a Cristina has continued to care for the queule seedlings. She is the mother of a child with a chronic disease, so she has had to be extra vigilant during this pandemic, but Mar穩a Cristina knows how important her job is for the survival of this species.

Biodiversity is essential for people through its provision of nutritious food, clean water, medicines, and protection from extreme events.